Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Tale of Two Aces

Saturday night, me and friends having our usual poker game. The game is Texas Hold'em No-Limit. Buy-in 50nis, blinds 0.25-0.5 shekels. I was doing really good for the first hour, picked up really nice hands like K-10, K-Q, A-10, 9-9. And even managed to pull a few bluffs, overall putting me on approximately 80nis on the table.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Visual Studio 2008 XML Editor Outlining Expansion Issue

In the previous release of Visual Studio(2005 release), XML editing was really a comfortable task for me, as comfortable as an XML task can be. You could easily expand/collapse elements, and while the elements were collapsed, it was easy to distinguish between them.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Displaying a MovieClip from the first loaded frame

About a year ago, I've written a Player for my website Slidex. The player is basically playing a Slideshow, the Slideshow itself is a result of a conversion from a PowerPoint/OpenOffice presentation.